Tickets by Studiz

Tickets by Studiz is the market's best and most obvious choice for payments and events arranged by student organizations, highschool party associations, educational institutions and similar.

How does it work?

Besides being the cheapest ticket platform at the market, it is also the most efficient due to the fact that Tickets by Studiz is built especially for the needs you have whether you organize or participate in the events for students.

As organiser:

  • Have a full overview of the event and guests before, during and after the event via an organizer-login to
  • Get an effective opportunity to communicate directly with the participants via Studiz app and Studiz platform in general.
  • Have the possibility to review a statistical follow-up of the event after it has been held.
  • The participants:

  • Have access to the event and purchase of tickets via Studiz app or website.
  • Can access tickets easier due to digital student ID being connected to the event via Studiz app.
  • No more printing and bringing paper tickets!
  • With Tickets by Studiz you only need to bring your smartphone to the party

    All the advantages with Tickets by Studiz

    The market’s lowest fee (2 DKK/payment NOT ticket) - price guarantee!.

    No fee for free events!

    Create free tickets

    No equipment needed - people responsible for scanning the tickets simply use Studiz app to scan QR codes on their smartphones.

    Event guests stay updated through receiving messages about the event via push notifications and e-mail.

    Simple and clear organizer login, with full control and overview both before, during and after the event

    Copy any event - makes it easy to hold similar events in the future

    Simple creation of all the different ticket groups you might need (eg. early-access, wardrobe, drinks, food etc.), with different prices and specifications (only students from specific class, external participants, invitations allowed, minimum age, VIP, former-students etc.).

    Interested? Please contact us