Studiz start guide (2016)

Student life can be challenging and you will face many new obstacles. One challenge will be moving out for the first time and moving to a new city. – A city where you might not have any friends. We will do our best to give you a good start in a new environment, and we therefore give you a guide to Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg. The guide will help you through the hectic times as a newcomer and we hope that it will help you settle down.






Below you will find the study start guide for Copenhagen. As the capital of Denmark it can be difficult to navigate in the city, so this guide is very usefull if you start your study life in the big city.








With this guide to Aarhus we hope to provide you with a great start of your exploration of Denmark's largest student city. Welcome to Aarhus!








The following guide for Aalborg is very relevant if you start your study life in this city. You will get an overview of the activities in the city that can help you get the perfect start of your study in Aalborg.






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