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The search function is built based on specific search words, it can therefore be necessary for you to reformulate your search or find a synonym Fx. food instead of dining.
Our system is based on the post number/postal code you have entered in your profile. And will sort companies with the nearest first – if there are no companies in your city with the chosen search word will the nearest company possibly be in another city. In case you are not logged in the system will be based on the entirety of Denmark.
The thought is that the App will primarily be used for the Local discounts and the webpage for the online discounts. That is why the online discounts are listed first on our webpage but will be listed last on our app.I tilfælde af at du ikke kan se butikken på den lokationsbaserede liste, søger du blot på butikkens navn, hvilket giver dig mulighed for stadig at anvende dit studiekort og på samme tid også tippe os om stedet.

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